Since over 25 years our flow controlling devices have been proved in the best way, by control, for constant cooling on:
Injection moulding machines, Extruders, calibration plants, Vacuum Exhaust, welding transformers, welding tongs, hydraulic systems.
We offer our flow controlling devices in different versions and sizes for your individual use.
Type 500 flow rate 500 l/h for each automatic control loop
Type 500 with Ø 10 & Ø 12mm hose connector available (as controlling devices up to 16x)
Type 500e with Ø 10 & Ø 12mm hose connector available (as controlling devices up to 16x)
Type 500 with absorption block R ½ "internal threads.
Type 2000 flow rate 2000 l/h for each automatic control loop
Type 2000 with Ø 14 & Ø 19mm hose connector available (as controlling devices from 2-10x)
Detailed INFO by "clicking" on the pictures
ALW Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Herchener Straße 26
57635 Weyerbusch
Tel.: +49 (0) 2686 - 2 15
Fax: +49 (0) 2686 - 85 01